
Berthelomeau Jeremy

Managing Director

Jeremy Berthelomeau is a French engineer from the “Ecole Superieure des Geometres et Topographes (part of ENSAM)” with 13 years of experience in the field of :
– General topographic survey works
– Road design and construction supervision

– General soil investigation works

– Irrigation, drainage system and water reservoir design

– Railway construction supervision

– Airport runway construction supervision

– Economic and residential area outdoor design

Jeremy on LinkedIn

Pheang Chanphirom

Technical Director

Pheang Chanphirom is a Cambodian engineer from the “Institut de Technologie du Cambodge” with 15 years of experience in the field of :

– Topographic and bathymetric survey works

– Structural design and construction supervision

– Road design and construction supervision

– Airport runway construction supervision

– Management of large engineering Cambodian team

Chanphirom on LinkedIn

Prak Nhort

Civil Works Supervisor / GIS Expert

Prak Nhort is a civil engineer from BBU university in Phnom Penh with over 20 years of professional experience. Early in his career, Nhort contributed to the demining of Cambodia (CMAC) and Eritrea (East Africa) before participating in the many rural development projects of Cambodia in the early 2000's (health centers, electrical, railways, roads, etc.) Nhort is one of JEB's Senior Supervisors with extensive experience in:

– Surveying (topographic, geotechnical, bathymetric)

– Geographic Information Systems

– Health, Safety, and Environment management

– Civil Drafting

Nhort on LinkedIn

Teu Saroeun

Geotechnical and Civil work Supervisor

Saroeun is a Cambodian engineer from the “Institut de Technologie du Cambodge” with 14 years of experience in the field of:

–Topographic survey work

- Geo-technical investigation and soil laboratory

– Road design and construction supervision

Saroeun on LinkedIn

Groisy Renaud

Project Manager

Renaud is a French project management professional with a direct focus on construction and contractor management.

Renaud on LinkedIn

Chea Sovandara

Senior Geotechnical Engineer

Sovandara is a Cambodian engineer from the “Institut de Technologie du Cambodge” with experience in:

– Geotechnical Investigations, Testing, and Analysis

– Project Coordination

– Surveying (topographic, bathymetric, stuctural)

Sovandara on LinkedIn

Mam Chanseiha

Structural Engineer

Seiha is a civil engineer from the “Institut de Technologie du Cambodge” with experience in:

– Structural Engineering

– Civil Drafting and Design

– Surveying

Chanseiha on LinkedIn

Koy Visal

Civil Engineer / Surveyor

Visal is a junior civil engineer from the “Institut de Technologie du Cambodge” with experience in:

– Civil Drafting and Design

– Surveying (topographic, bathymetric, stuctural)

– Project Coordination

Visal on LinkedIn

Lay Panharith

Civil Engineer / Surveyor

Panharith is a junior civil engineer from the “Institut de Technologie du Cambodge” with experience in:

– Surveying (topographic, geotechnical, bathymetric)

– Civil Drafting and Design

– Project Coordination

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